偉創力簡介偉創力國際有限公司是全球領先的從概念成型到規模量產(sketch- to-scale?) 解決方案供應商,為互聯世界設計和制造智能產品。公司在 30 多個國家有近 200,000 萬專業人士并且助力全世界開創智慧生活 (Live smarter?),并向不同行業和終端市場中各種規模的公司提供創新設計、工程、制造、供應鏈實時管控和物流服務。在中國,偉創力占有1250萬平方英尺生產面積,其中包括15個生產基地、研發中心、銷售辦公室以及1個區域支持中心。偉創力的10萬員工提供包括但不限于制造設計、核心新品引進、印刷電路板組裝、分部裝配、總裝、測試、外殼及物流的服務。如欲了解更多偉創力的招聘信息,請訪問https://flextronics.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CareersFlex OverviewFlex is a leading sketch-to-scale? solutions company that designs and builds intelligent products for a connected world. With approximately 200,000 professionals across 30 countries and a promise to help the world Live smarter?, the company provides innovative design, engineering, manufacturing, real-time supply chain insight and logistics services to companies of all sizes in various industries and end-markets.In China, Flex has amassed 12.5M manufacturing sq.ft. comprising 15 manufacturing sites, R&D & Tech Centres, Sales Office and a Regional Support Centre. Staffed by 100,000 employees, we provide services that include, but are not limited to design, new product introduction (NPI), printed circuit board assembly (PCBA), sub-assembly and full-assembly, test, enclosures, and logistics.For more information about Flex vacancies, pls access https://flextronics.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Careers